Friday, October 12, 2007

Cougar Peak #285

4.75" x 6.75" Gouache on Illustration Board

Today I decided to switch back over to a bit of gouache since it had been a while since I had rendered the mountain in that oh so wonderful medium. I did this painting towards the end of the day, and I wanted to capture a bit of that red glow that the mountain and clouds take on as the sun begins to set over the horizon.

1 comment:

Vladimir Bursać said...

Hello J.S.,

You jumped into a great project, really!
I like Montana very much, since I read history of Wild West as a kid. I was impresed with Little Big Horn battle, Yellowstone park and generally with North American Indians (especially Southern Cheyennes). My favourite comic hero - Ken Parker(G.Berrardi&I.Millazzo) was from Montana, too.

Stay healthy and keep on painting such a beautiful paintings!

Big hug from Serbia!